
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Iron Man Vs. Lord of the Rings
I really like this powerpoint. I saw Iron Man and i loved that movie, so it's no surprise that i liked how he compared it with another awesome movie. I really like how in Reece's first slide he put half of Tony Stark's face and half of his Iron Man mask. I like how he paralleled Tony and Frodo. He explained that they were both being held captive by something or some one; for Tony he was held prisoner by terrorists and Frodo was help captive by the ring's powers. I like how he compares the power Tony gets from his advanced suit to the power Frodo receives from the ring. Tony is able to fly, shoot missiles, has super strength, and advance hud due to his suit. For Frodo the ring gives him the ability to become invisible. He does a good job at comparing Pepper to Sam; he explains how each sub-hero gives emotional support and helps guide the Hero to do the right thing. My favorite parallel between the two movies is that each Hero has to destroy something to keep it from enemies. Tony has to destroy the weapons he made from terrorist, and Frodo has to destroy the ring to keep it from Sauron. He does a great job at pointing out the parallels between Stane and Gollum. He explains how it seem that each one of them make it look like they are helping the hero, but in the end betray them. I find it funny how Reece pointed out that they both died in and explosion or fire. All in all, i loved his powerpoint! It makes me want to watch Iron Man again.

Harry Potter Vs. Lord of the Rings
This was my favorite comparison os far because i like how Justine compared the to films and highlighted the parallels between the two. I personally love the Harry Potter books and I think that comparing it with Lord of the Rings is a very good idea. Like Justine pointed out, both films share many epic qualities such as heroic qualities and plot. She did a great job at pointing out the parallels between Harry Potter and Frodo Baggins. She explained how each character share many qualities such as a pure heart, brave, and how each one of them would risk their own lives to complete their quests. My favorite comparison was between Dumbledore and Gandolf. She explained how each one of them was magical, they both guided the main hero and each of them helped all they could with the hero's goal. She did a great job at comparing the plots too. She explained how the ring from Lord of the Rings is similar to the horcruxes in Harry Potter; both objects represent great evil and the main goal for each plot is to destroy them.

Princess Bride Vs. Lord of the Rings
The last one i picked was Shane's power point comparison between The Princess Bride and Lord of the Rings. I really enjoyed this power point because both of the movies are a few of my favorite films, and comparing them just made it more enjoyable. He did a good job at comparing Westley and Frodo; he pointed out how each of them had a pure heart, they were both very brave, and they both had determination to complete their quests. The quests of each hero is similar but not the same. Westley had to siege the castle to save Buttercup, and Frodo must travel to Mt. Doom to destroy the ring. The quests are similar in the way that they both have to travel into enemy territory to complete their quests, but other than that they are different. He also did a great job at comparing Gandalf and Miracle Max. He explained how each were magical in a way; Gandalf was a wizard and Max was a potions master. Watching Shane's power point just made me want to watch the movie again. It reminded me how The Princess Bride contained many epic qualities; the hero was brave, determined, and was 'good', or pure of heart.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Star Wars Parallelism

Monday, February 1, 2010

V-log 2